We Ring Like Bells
When we come into our calling
We become bells
Calling to everyone else
Oh Come, Come into your calling!
-Laurence Cole
Practice Tracks
(Members Only)
•Sundays 5-7 @ The Asheville JCC • Wednesdays 7-9 @ Homewood Castle•
*Autumn Season begins September 29th and October 2nd*
Together in Song
Yuri Woodstock, Community Song Leader
Come sing with us!
• This is an invitation for you. Yes you! If you sing in the shower, while doing the dishes, or while walking in the woods, this is the choir for you.
• Join our Non-auditioned, experiential singing groups and be surprised at the harmony we can make together-all voices welcome!
• Like a yoga class, expect to leave feeling a mixture of bliss, learning, and expansion.
• These choirs are for y o u ! Not geared towards performance as much as experience, fun, depth, and connection.
Register below for autumn!
The season begins September 29th and October 2nd.
Sunday evenings, 5-7 @ The Asheville JCC
Wednesday nights, 7-9 @ Homewood Castle
during the choir seasons.
How it works...
• We meet Sunday evenings 5-7 @ The Asheville JCC , and Wednesday nights, 7-9 @ Homewood Castle during the choir seasons.
• Every season is 8 weeks, with a month break in between.
Winter: Jan & Feb.
Spring: April & May
Summer: July & August
Autumn: October & November
• When you join for the season, you are invited to come to either, or both sessions each week. The songs we sing will be mostly the same, but the group energy tends to be distinctly different at each location.
• The cost to join for a season is $150, regardless of attendance. If you make it to four or five of our sessions, it's still a great deal. If you make it to all sixteen two-hour sessions (both every week,) it's a crazy deal.
• Choir is a closed container. There are no drop-ins unless I specifically approve them.
• There is no audition. This is an all-voices-welcome community choir, and we're singing for the pure experiential joy of it.
• Singers arrive a bit early. We begin exactly at the posted start time, and being present for the beginning is important.
• Don't eat a meal right before class. Singing requires space in your diaphragm, and outward-facing expressive energy, digestion doesn't help with either. Small snacks to get you through are fine.
• Think of it as similar to a yoga class. We are active and moving for most of the class. We warm up, tune up, sing, rest, sing some more, and wind down, reaping the many physical and emotional benefits of group harmony singing.
• It is an adult class. Quiet babies are welcome. Young people over 10 who can stay focused for our two hour sessions are welcome to try it out.
• This will be an in-person, indoors, masks-optional class. Consider it full-exposure. We will be close to one another, and breathing together deeply. Do not come if you are sick with anything, or might be.
• Do not wear scent/perfume.
• There will be practice tracks available on my website for members, so you can practice the songs on your own! The Yellow Button at the top of the page takes you to the current season's practice tracks. Previous season's tracks are available to all under "songs" at the top.
• There is no performance. This is an experiential singing group. The recipient is YOU! Pressure's off. There is, however, a Big Sing Soirée at the end of each season where we get to dress up fancy and invite some friends and family to sing with us! More on that later....
• Please share this with anyone who you think may benefit from deepening into their voice, and coming together with people for group harmony singing!
• The singing ranges from silly to soul-full, and it is my goal to imbue your life with songs to tend and in turn to tend you, making life a bit more like a musical. We lean toward shorter teaches, polyphonic parts songs, rounds, and back-pocket songs to take with you so you can spread them yourself!
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