Hark Spring Session is here! Registration now open
Time & Location
Time is TBD
Location is TBD
About the event
•Join us for an eight-week Spring session of community singing, culminating in a Big Sing party, when we'll showcase the songs we've learned together to our friends and family. This Spring, Hark is going to focus in on World music, with songs from Zimbabwe, Ireland, Bulgaria, Hawai'i and more! Learning songs from other cultures can be an important window through witch we open ourselves to new ways of understanding the world. And not to worry, we'll sprinkle in some all-time favorites as well.
•There are sliding-scale options for membership, based on $12-$17 per two-hour class. Think of it as similar to a Yoga class. Register here to join. No cash will be handled on-site.
•If you're brand new, feel free to come try it out once for free before committing to the season! You'll know if it's right for you.
•To Clarify: There are two options for where to catch us. Feel free to come to both!
Monday Evenings, 7-9 @ Homewood Castle, AND
Tuesday Afternooons, 4-6 @ Echoview Fiber Mill. Your membership covers both!
•Payment plans available upon request.
Basic Membership
$120.00Supporting the Community
$140.00Supported by Community